Saturday, April 16, 2022

Juvenal's Satires

JUVENAL'S SATIRES (1st-2nd centuries CE)

The Satires were written by Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis), a Roman poet of the late 1st and early 2nd century CE. Few details of his life are known with certainty; his dates are suggested by references in his text to people known to have lived at that time. His fifth and final book seems to have been written after 127. He wrote at least 16 poems (though the 16th is incomplete), published in five books, for a highly educated audience, satirizing life in the Rome of his day. Later translators have added titles to his works (he did not), such as "The Decay of Feminine Virtue" and "Wrong Desire is the Source of Suffering" (these are the titles of numbers VI and X, some of the most renowned in the collection).


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